Restructuring Representation
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Le Moment Delors
Didry, Claude
Renewing Democratic Deliberation in Europe
From the Werner Plan to the EMU
Les défis de la diversité culturelle dans le monde du travail au XXIe siècle
Changing Liaisons
Représenter le patronat européen
Jobs on the Move
European Solidarities
EU Law and the Social Character of Health Care
Mossialos, Elias
Reshaping Welfare States and Activation Regimes in Europe
The European Sectoral Social Dialogue
Regulating Health and Safety Management in the European Union
The Transnationalisation of Collective Bargaining
Glassner, Vera
Christian Democracy and Labour after World War II
Trajectoires des modèles nationaux
Precarious Employment in Perspective
Knowledge and practical knowledge
Carbone, Silvia
The New Pension Mix in Europe
A European Social Citizenship?
Trade Unions in the European Union