Trajectoires des modèles nationaux
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Precarious Employment in Perspective
Job Insecurity and Union Membership
Sverke, Magnus
Transnational Labour Regulation
Ahlberg, Kerstin
Work and Social Inequalities in Health in Europe
Generations at Work and Social Cohesion in Europe
Labour and Employment Regulation in Europe
Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work
Democracy and Capabilities for Voice
Politiques de la diversité
Doytcheva, Milena
Changing Liaisons
Représenter le patronat européen
The New Pension Mix in Europe
A European Social Citizenship?
Knowledge and practical knowledge
Carbone, Silvia
Les défis de la diversité culturelle dans le monde du travail au XXIe siècle
Building Social Europe through the Open Method of Co-ordination
Accompagner vers l’emploi
Quality of Employment in Europe
Shaping Pay in Europe
Restructuring in the New EU Member States
Pensions in Europe, European Pensions
Natali, David
L’Europe syndicale au quotidien
Dufour, Christian
Europe 2020