The book looks at environmental issues calling for international cooperation, such as river management, transboundary air pollution, and climate. It analyses methods used to reduce free-riding in protecting the commons. Agreements considered successful – e.g. the Montreal Protocol – are contrasted with those – e.g. UNFCCC – that are less effective.
Tomasz ?ylicz served as Dean of the Department of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. He was a visiting scholar in Colorado and Stockholm and has received several awards for his work. Tomasz ?ylicz is the founder of the Warsaw Ecological Economics Center.
Contents: The
(e.g. international rivers) – Regional cooperation (including European acid rain, Baltic Sea eutrophication, etc.) – Protecting the global commons (ozone layer, global warming, biodiversity, etc.) – Cross-cutting issues (such as development assistance, trade vs. environment, capacity building, etc.).