Bogdan, Isabel
Lieferbar innerhalb 1-3 Tagen
Sing, wilder Vogel, sing
O’Mahony, Jacqueline
Täuschend echt
Lewinsky, Charles
Graubündner Morgengrauen
Gurt, Philipp
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Der Schatten einer offenen Tür
Filipenko, Sasha
Monas Augen – Eine Reise zu den schönsten Kunstwerken unserer Zeit
Schlesser, Thomas
Rituale, die dein Leben verändern
Norton, Michael
Money in Modern Social Encyclicals
Kara?, Piotr
European Questionnaire for Job Analysis (EQJA)
Employee Stock Options, Payout Policy, and Stock Returns
Grabowski, Wojciech
Volatility as an Asset Class
Jab?ecki, Juliusz
The Impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on International Cooperation
Economic Effects of Post-Socialist Constitutions 25 Years from the Outset of Transition
Metelska-Szaniawska, Katarzyna
What Determines International Competitiveness of the Economy?
Dybka, Piotr
The Relationship between Human Development, Exports and Foreign Direct Investments in Emerging Europe
Modeling Fiscal Policy in the European Union
Kudla, Janusz
The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights
B?bnowski, Damian
‘VAT Gap’ in Poland: Policy Problem and Policy Response
Projections of Demand for Care among the Elderly in Poland
??tkowski, Wojciech
The Economics of International Environmental Cooperation
Zylicz, Tomasz
Public-Sector Wage Premium in Poland
Grotkowska, Gabriela
Liberalization of Transportation Services in the EU: the Polish Perspective
Going Local? Linking and Integrating Second-Home Owners with the Community’s Economy
Czarnecki, Adam