Relation. Medien - Gesellschaft - Geschichte /Media, Society, History / Relation n.s.vol. 5
Changing Media - Changing Democracy? Medienwandel - Wandel der Demokratie?The Democratic Potential of Social Media - Das demokratische Potenzial der sozialen Medien eidted by/hrsg.von Tobias Eberwein und Corinna Wenzel
Karmasin, Matthias / Eberwein, Tobias / Wenzel, Corinna
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There is widespread consensus that scoial media such aas Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube are changing political communication. However, no such consensus exists when it comes to assessing the effects the emergence of social network services , bloging environments, and online discussion forums have on democracy. The new volume of the book serie Relation wants to shedlight on the changes of political processes by media transformations.