Europe lives in and by translation and interpretation. EFNIL’s 11th conference dealt with the importance of these two communicative techniques for multilingual Europe. Reports on interpretation and translation at EU-institutions and on training and practice of interpreters and translators in various European countries are given and discussed.
Gerhard Stickel is Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Mannheim and was director of the Institut für Deutsche Sprache. He was a co-founder of the European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL) and has been president of this network of central language institutions of the EU states since 2003.
Contents: Jolanta Zabarskaité: Welcome address – Marco Benedetti : Intervention à la conférence annuelle de l’EFNIL – Rytis Martikonis: Opening address – Jan Truszczy?ski: Translation and Interpretation in Europe: Reflections from the angle of education and culture – Gintaras Mork?nas: Welcome address – Gerhard Stickel: Introduction/Einführung/?žanga – Klaus Reichert: «Lost and Found in Translation» – Georgios Floros: «Lost» and «found» in Translation: Myths and realities for national languages and imageries – Marie Cornu : Traduction du droit et droit de la traduction, les enjeux européens – Antonina Werthmann/Andreas Witt: Maschinelle Übersetzung - Gegenwart und Perspektiven – Johan Van Hoorde: Co-ordination of institutional terminology between European institutions and national Member States: the Dutch language example and the European perspective – Sten Palmgren: Translation of laws and public texts – Gunnhildur Stefansdottir: Translator training in the Translation Centre of the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs. A short report on special training issues for English-Icelandic translation – Italo Rubino: Tradurre per la Commissione europea. Aspetti generali e pratici del Dipartimento italiano della Direzione generale Traduzione – Martina Ožbot: The role and status of translation in a translation-oriented culture: the case of Slovenia – Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen: Panel debate: Demands and suggestions for interpretation and translation in Europe - Introduction – Gunnhildur Stefansdottir: Panel presentation – Claude Durand: Panel presentation.