Metal-on-Metal Bearings
A Clinical Practicum
O Haggard, Warren / Seth Greenwald, A
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01.10.2013, Auflage: 1. Auflage
InhaltsangabePrefacePart I: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Bearing Surfaces for Joint Replacement: New Materials or New Problems? Part II: Clinical Chapter 3: Outcome Studies for Metal-on-Metal Bearings: What Evidence-Based Medicine Tells Us Chapter 4: Metal Reactivity: Its Influence on Primary and Revision Outcomes Chapter 5: Are metal ion levels a trigger for surgical intervention? Chapter 6: Metal Sensitivity: Is it possible to Determine Clinically? Part III: Biology Chapter 7: Wound healing, chronic inflammation, and immune responses Chapter 8: Benign Responses to Orthopaedic Implants: Really? Chapter 9: What does the Histology Tell Us? Part IV: Biomechanics Chapter 10: Why metal-on-metal -what laboratory tests have shown us Chapter 11: What do the Retrievals really tell us? Future Directions Index