Mo Yan Thought
Xie, Jerry
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Litanic Verse I
The Feminine of Difference
Zajac, Marta
The World According to Bridget Jones
Smyczynska, Katarzyna
Stories of the Unconscious: Sub-Versions in Freud, Lacan and Kristeva
Terzieva-Artemis, Rossitsa
Studies of Imagery in Early Mediterranean and East Asian Poetry
Translating Gombrowicz’s Liminal Aesthetics
Wojtas, Pawel
Melancholic Travelers
Nowak, Katarzyna
The Lyric Subject
Balžalorsky Anti?, Varja
Approaches to Walter Benjamin’s «The Arcades Project»
We Need to Talk About Heidegger
A Culture of Recycling / Recycling Culture?
Where Angels Fear to Hover
Ancuta, Katarzyna
Litanic Verse IV
The Effect of Palimpsest
Strategies of Resistance
Kubisz, Marzena
The Rhetoric of the City: Robinson Jeffers and A. R. Ammons
Marcinkiewicz, Pawel
The Body Wall
Bialas, Zbigniew
Cartographies of Culture
Feeding Culture: The Pleasures and Perils of Appetite
Alchemization of the Mind
Spaces and Crossings
(Mis)translation and (Mis)interpretation: Polish Literature in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication
Wilczek, Piotr
Transgressing Boundaries in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction
Front, Sonia