«Obscene Fantasies»
Bethman, Brenda
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Belle Necropolis
Arens, Katherine
Literary and Cultural Images of a Nation without a State
Nance, Agnieszka B.
Contested Passions
Do the Balkans Begin in Vienna? The Geopolitical and Imaginary Borders between the Balkans and Europe
Foteva, Ana
Shadows of the Past
Women in the Shadows
Borchardt, Edith
Unterhaltungsmusik aus Österreich- Light Music from Austria
Austriaca and Judaica
Zohn, Judith
From Fin-de-Siècle to Theresienstadt
Visions and Visionaries in Contemporary Austrian Literature and Film
Das Verborgene sichtbar machen
Riegler, Roxane
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Toegel, Edith
Staging EXPORT: VALIE zu Ehren