Auswirkungen gesetzlicher Neuerungen und politischer Unsicherheit auf die Energiewirtschaft
Welkoborsky, Christopher
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Valuation and Value Creation of Insurance Intermediaries
Max, Claudia
Erklärungsansätze für NAV-Spreads und deren Implikationen für das Management von REITs
Müller, Michael
Minority Shareholder Monitoring and German Corporate Governance
Thamm, Christian
Pharma M&A versus alliances and its underlying value drivers
Schön, Heiko
Risk-Adjusted Performance and Bank Governance Structures
Böhm, Christoph
Financial Return Risk and the Effect on Shareholder Wealth
Raudszus, Malte
Directors’ Dealings and Insider Trading in Germany
Ams, Patrick
Bank mergers and acquisitions in the Asia-Pacific region
Kolaric, Sascha
Bank Governance Structures and Risk Taking
Froneberg, Dennis
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Brewing Industry
Mehta, Ramit
M&A Activity, Divestitures and Initial Public Offerings in the Fashion Industry
Meinshausen, Steffen
Value Creation within the Construction Industry
Vogt, Joachim
Analyzing Wealth Effects for Bondholders
Maul, Daniel
Value Creation of Corporate Restructuring
Erxleben, Ulrich
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector
Fraunhoffer, Robert
Determinants of Credit Spreads
Wilkes, Arne
Creating and Governing an Integrated Market for Retail Banking Services in Europe
Sielecki, Matthäus Markus
Bankerfolg und Akquisitionen
Return Patterns of German Open-End Real Estate Funds
Gläsner, Sebastian
The Influence of German Top Executives on Corporate Policy and Firm Performance
Normann, Marcel
Underpricing, Long-Run Performance, and Valuation of Initial Public Offerings
Braemisch, Fabian
Finanzwirtschaftliche Erfolgsanalyse deutscher Stadtwerke
Pieper, Frank