Tradition and Innovation in Education
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Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education
Strategien der Lehrerbildung / Strategies for Teacher Training
Nation-Building in the Context of Post-Communist Transformation and Globalization
Enkulturation durch sozialen Kompetenzerwerb- Enculturation by Acquiring of Social Competences
«Back in the West»
Denkkulturen. Selbstwerdung des Menschen. Erziehungskulturen.
Textbook: Research and Writing
Mikk, Jaan
Prototype Modelling in Social-Emotional Education
Skill Formation in Central and Eastern Europe
Human Right to Education in the Age of Innovations and Smart Technologies
Music Inside and Outside the School
International Practices of Smart Development
Social Investment and Territorial Inequalities: Mapping Policies and Services in the Baltic States
Social Clustering: Paradigm of Trust
Kvieskien?, Giedr?
Bildungswissenschaften und akademisches Selbstverständnis in einer globalisierten Welt- Education and Academic Self-Concept in the Globalized World
Denk- und Lernkulturen im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs / Cultures of Thinking and Learning in the Scientific Discourse
Bildungs- und Kulturmanagement- The Management of Education and Culture
Towards a Normal Stratification Order
Transkulturelle Perspektiven in der Bildung – Transcultural Perspectives in Education
Reflexive Freizeitpädagogik
Möller, Martina
Learning the Nuclear: Educational Tourism in (Post)Industrial Sites
(Un)pädagogische Visionen für das 21. Jahrhundert / (Non-)Educational Visions for the 21st Century
Motivation of New Generation Students for Learning Physics and Mathematics
Pe?iuliauskien?, Palmira