Nigerian English
Jowitt, David
Lieferbar innerhalb 1 - 2 Wochen
Learning and Using Conversational Humor in a Second Language During Study Abroad
Shively, Rachel
The Love Play of Antony and Cleopatra
Traci, Philip J
Shakespeare and the Uses of Ideology
Shanker, Sidney
Linguistic Method
Papers on Linguistics and Child Language
Mühlhäusler, Peter
Encoding Motion Events
Woerfel, Till
Handbuch Sprache in Organisationen
Manuel des frontières linguistiques dans la Romania
Handbook of British Literature and Culture of the First World War
Communication and Media Ethics
Relevance and Irrelevance
Romanistische Linguistik
Lüdtke, Jens
Mediated Communication
Dessì Schmid, Sarah
Cultures and Traditions of Wordplay and Wordplay Research
Jeux de mots, textes et contextes
Melancholie als poetologische Allegorie
Stein, Juana Christina von
Fragile Spaces
Aschheim, Steven E
Diplomatische Wissenskulturen der Frühen Neuzeit
The Morphosyntax of Albanian and Aromanian Varieties
Manzini, M Rita
The Greater Awyu Languages of West Papua
Vries, Lourens de
Die Markierung des Genitiv(s) im Deutschen
Zimmer, Christian