Basics of Programming and Algorithms, Principles and Applications
Mantaci, Roberto
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Statistical Learning Tools for Electricity Load Forecasting
Antoniadis, Anestis
Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics
Ai, Albert
Recent Developments in Operator Theory, Mathematical Physics and Complex Analysi
History of Mathematics and Its Contexts
Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis
Gödel's Theorems and Zermelo's Axioms
Halbeisen, Lorenz
Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics
Simple Type Theory
Farmer, William
Felix Klein
Rowe, David E
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Convexity in Newton's Method
Ezquerro Fernández, José Antonio
Structural Decision Diagrams in Digital Test
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Petri Net Primer
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A Concise Course in Elasticity
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Measure-Theoretic Calculus in Abstract Spaces
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Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Lithographic Limestone and Pla
Model Theory, Computer Science, and Graph Polynomials
Mathematical Thinking and Properties in Architecture
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Fundamentals of Ordinary Differential Equations
Elias, Uri
Metrical and Ergodic Theory of Continued Fraction Algorithms
Sebe, Gabriela Ileana
Hypercomplex Analysis and Its Applications
Methods of Solving Solid Geometry Problems
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The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry
Topological Methods for Delay and Ordinary Differential Equations