The Dynamics of Referendum Campaigns
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The Subjunctive in the Age of Prescriptivism
Auer, A
The City of Translation
Loparo, Kenneth A
Visual Art and Education in an Era of Designer Capitalism
Oral History, Oral Culture, and Italian Americans
Hispanic Caribbean Literature of Migration
Multiracial Identity
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The Earthist Challenge to Economism
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Sexual Lifestyle in the Twentieth Century
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George Eliot, Music and Victorian Culture
Territories of Violence
Unbroken Government
Radical Chicana Poetics
Natural Disaster and Reconstruction in Asian Economies
Building Global Education with a Local Perspective
Cultural Producers and Social Change in Latin America
Youth Fantasies: The Perverse Landscape of the Media
Radicals, Rhetoric, and the War
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The Poetics of Description
The Importance of Neglect in Policy-Making