Len Gelman, Ph.D., Dr. of Sciences (Habilitation) joined Huddersfield University as Professor, Chair in Signal Processing/Condition Monitoring and Director of Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering, in 2017 from Cranfield University, where he worked as Professor and Chair in Vibro-Acoustical Monitoring since 2002. Len developed novel condition monitoring technologies for aircraft engines, gearboxes, bearings, turbines and centrifugal compressors. Len published more than 250 publications, 17 patents and is Co-Editor of 12 Springer books. He is Fellow of: BINDT, International Association of Engineers and Institution of Diagnostic Engineers, Executive Director, International Society for Condition Monitoring, Honorary Technical Editor, International Journal of Condition Monitoring, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Engineering Sciences (SCMR), Chair, annual International Condition Monitoring Conferences, Honorary Co-Chair, annual World Congresses of Engineering, Co-Chair, International Congress COMADEM 2019 and Chair, International Scientific Committee of Third World Congress, Condition Monitoring. Len is Editorial Board member of journals Applied Sciences, Electronics, Sensors, International Journal Insight, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences and International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. He was Chair, First World Congress, Condition Monitoring, Chair, Second World Congress, Engineering Asset Management and Chair, International Committee of Second World Congress, Condition Monitoring. Len is Chair of International CM Groups of ICNDT and EFNDT and Member of ISO Technical Committee, Condition Monitoring. Len made 42 plenary keynotes at major international conferences. He was Visiting Professor at ten Universities abroad. Len received two Rolls-Royce (UK) Awards for Innovation, COMADIT Prize (by British Institute of NDT) for significant contribution through research/development in condition monitoring, Oxford Academic Health Science Network Award, William Smith Prize by UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers and USA Navy Award. Nadine Martin is a senior researcher at the CNRS, Nat. Centre of Scientific Research, within GIPSA-lab, Grenoble Image Speech Signal & Automatic, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France. In the signal-processing domain, her research interests are the analysis, detection and modeling of non-stationary signals in time-frequency domain with a particular interest in conditional preventive monitoring of complex systems such as wind turbines or paper machines. His current research focuses on expert-level automatic signal processing for continuous fault detection and localization with severity tracking. N. Martin is the author of around 150 papers, 2 patents, 7 book chapters, and co-editor of the book Time-frequency decision. Currently, she is an expert for MINALOGIC, the French Global Innovation Cluster for Digital Technologies, Chair of ISCM, the Int. Society for Condition Monitoring, Vice-Editor-in-Chief of IJCM, the International Journal of Condition Monitoring and a member of a working group of the International Committee of Nondestructive testing, ICNDT. Within ISCM, she is active in the scientific program of Condition Monitoring conferences. Andrew A. Malcolm is the Deputy Group Manager for the Intelligent Process Verification Group, and Senior Technical Lead for the Non-Destructive Evaluation Team at the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC) under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore. He received his MSc in Computer-Aided Engineering and his PhD for a thesis on precision measurement through fringe pattern analysis from Liverpool John Moores University in 1987 and 1995 respectively. Prior to joining A*STAR in early