The purpose is to articulate the New Technologies of Information and Communication from the virtuality in the Distance Technology programs of the University of Caldas, which provided the theoretical and practical foundations that allow the development of electronic products applicable projects and software development, formulated by students attached to the Technologies in Electronics, Computer Systems Management and Computer Engineering, to promote their link in the research seedlings of special programs. The Technological Ecosystems mediated by Information and Communication Technologies for formative research in context, manage the knowledge generated in the classroom projects in the Technological programs of the Faculty of Engineering and Basic Sciences, applying the B-Learning through the PACIE Model (Presence, Scope, Training, Interaction and E-Learning) through the E-InnovaCMM Research Seedbeds of the Centro Metalmecánico Distrito Capital, RELEC and TECSIS of the University of Caldas. It was possible to develop resources from the New Information and Communication Technologies NTIC that have
Rubén Darío Cárdenas EspinosaSenior Researcher (IS) COLCIENCIASMetallurgical Center SENA, Capital District, Universiteit van Caldas,;;;; Cum Laude Enginering Electronic, PhD Technol.