The first volume of the book entitled Diversity of Business Development was published in 2017 with the aim to present the diversity of research activities of the Institution for the Development of Enterprises at Corvinus Business School, Corvinus University of Budapest. This second volume continues to take an interdisciplinary approach on the main areas of business development and provides publication possibility and international visibility for young and senior researchers. The authors of the book are: István Csendes and Eszter Sramó (decision support techniques), Attila Virág (energy strategies), Bálint Blaskovics (project management), Lajos Szabó (project management), Attila Fiáth and Miklós Virág (risk management), Ilona Hoffer (value management), Nikolett Deutsch (sustainable construction), Zoltán Felméry and József Papp (GDP on corporate level), and Erika Jáki, Endre Mihály Molnár, Béla Kádár and György Walter (startup companies).
The editor of this book has a PhD in Business and Organisational Sciences. She is an Associate professor at the Institute for the Development of Enterprises, Corvinus Business School, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. Her research interest focuses on the strategic issues of sustainable development, sustainable innovation and CSR.