Russian Avant-Garde Art from the Vladimir Tsarenkov Collection, Catalogue to the
Mössinger, Ingrid / Milde, /
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Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter "" Between 1905 and 1920 Russia was convulsed by revolutions, war and civil war. At the same time a young generation of artists ventured a new beginning. In exhibitions and publications they cooperated with the Western European avant-garde and developed artistic approaches of their own like Cubo-Futurism and Suprematism. The London collection of Vladimir Tsarenkov illustrates the aesthetic revolt and utopian social ambitions of these upstarts in paintings, drawings and prints - by Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Deineka and many other major artists - as well as in designs for applied art. Among the collection's highlights are its numerous high-quality porcelains from the period with constructivist or agitprop decor.