95% of all presentations today are given using a projector and PowerPoint*. Yet what some people consider to be professional often completely destroys the effect on the audience. PowerPoint does not make for entertainment but rather for boredom. That is due to the fundamental concept of PowerPoint, not to how it is used!
Discover how you can dispense with PowerPoint forever and moreover, with which alternative you can achieve five times the effect. In addition, you can trigger fascination at the push of a button. That is not just a catchy advertising slogan; it really is possible!
M. Poehm shows you how.
· Why PowerPoint and projectors impede effectiveness: the facts!
· How you can present figures and diagrams with triple effect
without PowerPoint
· The 2% exception for PowerPoint. But how?
· How to make a crime thriller out of even the driest subjects
· How to portray your own achievements in such a way that the audience
will be profoundly impressed
· How to double your bid chances with well conceived presentations
The PowerPoint Fallacy 8
The Leipzig Prize for Innovation 8
David versus Goliath 13
Why PowerPoint is Superfluous 20
Th e Election in Graz 22
Mannheim versus Deutsche Bahn (German Rail) 25
Two Basic Misconceptions about PowerPoint 27
Th e Annual Meeting in Boston 27
Th e Basic Problem with PowerPoint 29
“Do you Agree?“ 30
Th e Seven Deadly Sins of the PowerPoint Presentation 32
How I Used to Th ink 34
Th e Comparison 40
An American PowerPoint Critic 50
My Opinion of PowerPoint Today 51
PowerPoint as a Crib Sheet 52
Exceptions to Doing Without PowerPoint 53
The Alternative to PowerPoint 60
Trick 1: Pen Th ickness 63
Trick 2: Th e Act of Creation 63
Forecast: the Act of Creation … 65
Trick 3: Starting to Speak 65
Trick 4: Always Draw One More Dimension 68
Trick 5: Small Symbols 74
Trick 6: Move 76
Trick 7: Bar Charts by Hand 76
Trick 8: Cross Out 80
Trick 9: Narrow and Th ick Bars 82
Trick 10: Draw Bars Painfully Slowly 83
Trick 11: Pie Charts by Hand 87
Trick 12: Inverse Pie Chart 93
Trick 13: Beautiful Drawings Generate Goodwill 95
Language and Persuasion 96
Eff ect-Speak 96
Eff ect-Speak Dos and Don’ts 97
Jargon and Empty Phrases 106
Jargon within your Industry 107
Softeners, Fad Speech and Waffl e 109
Come-on Words 109
Go-away Words 110
Further Aversion Expressions 111
Order Obstructing Contracts 113
When do we Listen? 118
Th e Truth 118
Your Own Maxims 120
Blows of Fate and Setbacks 122
”I never knew that!” 125
Scientifi c Research with Amazing Results 128
Humane Action, Good Deeds 130
Selling Results Well 133
Th e Slow Motion Method 135
Exercise: 142
Announcement of Excitement 143
Learn to Sell Yourself 145
Introducing Yourself as the New Boss 145
Rules for the Assessment Centre 146
Phrases that Make an Impact 148
Th e “got to” cliché 151
Effect Explosion by Intonation and Pauses 152
Pauses and Intonation 154
Pauses and Humour 156
Pauses in Rhetorical Questions 157
Th e Pre-Start Silence 158
Shopping List Intonation 160
You Need an External Evaluation 162
Proclaiming instead of Explaining 163
Stylistic Devices of Highlight Public Speaking 164
Anonymous Speaking 164
Metaphors 173
Th e Golden Th read for Finding Images 178
By Generalities Every Image can be used Universally 179
Th e Trick with Word Equivalence 181
Th e Stone Mason 183
Two Story Lines 184
Demonstration 187
Between Demonstrations and Metaphors 190
Talk Directly to the Subconscious 196
Substantiate Vague Statements 196
Th e Preacher in the Church 203
Th e Brain Loves Numbers 205
Specifi c Numbers are More Eff ective than Percentages 207
Keep Statistics on your Customers’ Successes 208
Spell Out the Benefi ts in all their Ramifi cations 211
Express Every Benefit in Monetary Terms 213
Get the Audience Active 220
The Courage to Change the Subject 225
P-P-F: Quickest Way to Develop a Speech 230
Short Tips 233
Transition to the Next Topic 233
Europe’s Toughest Public Speaking Seminar 233
Th e Start of a Speech 234
Bid Presentations 235
How to Use Percentages to Greater Eff ect 236
Overhead Projectors 237
And Finally 239
Contribute to a Better World with Better
Presentations 240