This book explains the basic theory for the therapy and anesthesia by acupuncture. At first author put forward the principle that Meridian is the bio-wave tunnel in human body which is produced by the interaction between earth magnetic field and the electric current of the pules from heart and central nerve system in human body. Author appoints meridian is not tissue of anatomy of human body.
Qiang MIAO Prof. Engineering / Physics Prof. TCM Guest In Dec. 1942 born in Beijing, China. 1960 graduated from Middle School of Beijing Normal University. 1965 graduated from Tianjin BEIYANG University, Thermo-Physics Department. 19651972 engaged in National Science & Technology Commission, Beijing, China. 19721978 engaged in design and manufacture of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Physics Institute, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). 19791985 engaged in Digital Regression of MicroWave Remote Sensing on Satellite, Space Science & Technology Certre, CAS. 19861990 found Scientific Instrument Ltd., engaged in development of heart pace maker and instruments of meridian. 1991 established THK High-Tec Corporation in Cologne, Germany. 2008 set up Eifel TCM Ambulanz and found CosmosPhysiology Laboratory. Now engaged in research of TCM and Meridian. 1986 awarded the title of Senior Engineer in CAS. 2002 appointed TCM Guest Professor in China. 2008 honored title of Professor Engineer/Physics by Zentralstelle für auslandisches Bildungswesen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.