More and more doctors and therapists trying to get a better understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of pain syndromes are able to find that understanding in the segmental innervation of the body. With this book you will be able to recognize the correlations and projection phenomena of pain based on segmental innervation: illness and dysfunction of internal organs are projected to the corresponding dermatomes, myotomes and sklerotomes of the body, where they cause pain and muscle tension. Segmental anatomy provides a theory of acupuncture rooted in the philosophy of Chinese medicine with a sound scientific basis Images refresh the anatomical and neuroanatomical knowledge to understand segmental phenomena Drawings depict the correlations in detail Clearly structured layout, which facilitates the reading of this complex subject
Dr. med. Ingrid Wancura, Medizinstudium und Promotion in Wien, Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin. Seit 1965 Beschäftigung mit der Segmentlehre, seit 1970 Akupunkturstudium, niedergelassen 1971 in Privatpraxis in Wien, seit 1994 in Bayreuth.