Yogi Bhajan understood the art of Sutra like no other: to fashion complex contexts into the verbal wisdom of two- or three-liners, and to awaken our core awareness about modern life and the special aspects and challenges of the Aquarius Age. Yogi Bhajan has always emphasized that a master is known by his word – his own words are masterful and beautiful, perfect for a generation of yoga practitioners and teachers, as well as for those seeking inspiration and spiritual guidance.
In thematic, alphabetical listing, Beads of Truth – Perlen der Wahrheit offers unique spiritual wisdom and pragmatic yogic knowledge for all areas of life that can convey a deeper, uplifting clarity.
This revised and expanded edition is the most extensive collection of original quotes and spiritual wisdom of Yogi Bhajan, including a total of 400 Yoga Sutras and quotes in English and German.
Alphabetical Keyword Directory
Bilingual: English-German
German translation: Sat Hari Singh.