Russische Satire nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion. Voraussetzungen des 20. Jahrhunderts bis 1990 (Russian Satire after the Collapse of the Soviet Union. Presuppositions of the 20th Century until 1990) - this is the title of the first volume of a three-volume project. After an introduction and a chapter devoted to questions of genre and mode, this volume focuses on central categories of satire: what means exist and can be used in the Soviet 20th century, which victims come into focus, how is the function and effect of satire reflected upon in literary works, and what roles can authors of satire perform? These questions are answered by referring to a broad spectrum of satirical works that deliberately transcend genre boundaries and that are contextualised with reference to 18th and 19th century traditions. This makes it possible to recognise the methods on which the satire of the perestroika years is based and how this changes; at the same time, however, the horizons that opened up for Russian-language satire in the Yeltsin era (Volume 2) and under Putin's rule (Volume 3) can be anticipated.