In recent years, grounding has become an essential part of the metaphysician's toolkit. In this book, grounding is put to work by applying the grounding framework to the metaethical debate. Starting with the common intuition that objects have normative properties in virtue of having other properties, we can ask what kind of relation this in-virtue-of relation is. Since this question is often neglected in the metaethical debate, this book closes a significant gap by proposing that the grounding relation is the desired relation. In the course of the book, it is shown that grounding fits the core characteristics of the desired relation better than other candidate relations such as supervenience, constitution and composition. Furthermore, it becomes apparent that applying the grounding framework to the metaethical debate leads to interesting reformulations of standard debates in metaethics and provides useful new insights and arguments, particularly in the debate on atomism and holism. Since in this book two different areas of analytical philosophy are brought into an interesting and fruitful dialogue, authors from the metaethical debate as well as authors from the grounding debate might benefit greatly from reading it.
Anika Lutz ist 1986 in Stuttgart geboren. Sie studierte Philosophie und Allgemeine Rhetorik in Tübingen, Deutschland, und Genf, Schweiz. 2015 hat sie ihre Promotion in Philosophie an der Universität Tübingen abgeschlossen. Während Ihrer Promotion arbeitete Anika Lutz im Rahmen des DFG-Forschungsprojekts Emotionen und Werte. Ihre Forschungschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der Metaethik, insbesondere der Metaphysik von Werten, und der Emotionsphilosophie. Sie ist (Co-)Autorin und Mitherausgeberin verschiedener Publikationen zum Thema Emotionen. Zurzeit arbeitet Anika Lutz als Unternehmensberaterin. Anika Lutz was born in 1986 in Stuttgart. She studied philosophy and rhetoric in Tübingen, Germany, and in Geneva, Switzerland. In 2015 she finished her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Tübingen. During her doctorate Anika Lutz worked for the Emotions and Values research project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Her main research areas include metaethics, especially metaphysics of value, and philosophy of emotions. She is (co-)author and co-editor of several publications on the emotions. Currently, Anika Lutz is working as a business consultant.