At the International Seminar of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR) and the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), which took place from 27 to 29 October 2017 in Bottrop, Germany, 1,050 participants, led by an international chairing group, debated the theoretical and practical lessons of the October Revolution. This illustrated documentation relives this exciting event. It contains all introductory speeches - both the general introduction of Stefan Engel to the seminar and the introductions to the individual discussion blocks - as well as the speech of MLPD Chairwoman Gabi Fechtner at the big cultural event. The book also offers a representative selection of contributions to the different thematic blocks and additionally publishes personal impressions of seminar participants. The pictures from the festivities of the ICOR in St. Petersburg, the site of the historic events, are like a bridge between the revolutionary past and the future, the dawn of a new global upsurge of the struggle for socialism. The documentation is recommended study for all those who wish to contribute to clarifying the issues raised and to strengthening the international Marxist-Leninist, revolutionary and working-class movement.
Introductory speech for the theoretical seminar
Thematic Block 1: Lenin's analysis
Thematic Block 2: Lenin's strategy of the international revolution
Thematic Block 3: The strategy and tactics of the armed uprising
Thematic Block 4: The necessity of socialist building in one country in connection with the building of a communist world movement
Thematic Block 5: The October Revolution and the struggle against opportunism and sectarianism
Thematic Block 6: The October Revolution lives. Conclusions for the revolutionary
class struggle today
Closing Resolution of the joint international seminar of ICOR and International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations – "The theoretical and practical lessons of the October Revolution"
Speech for big event "100 Years October Revolution"