The study was carried out within the DAAD programme Tropical Forestry Management at the Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products, TU-Dresden, Germany. The underlying empirical methodological research, including a half-year field survey has been executed between 2003 and 2005 and has led to a M.Sc. degree of the author.The study focuses on the practices of agro-silvo-pastoral system and the profitability of trees mainly Acacia senegal and other non-timber forest products in the livelihood of households in Enuhud province central-west of Sudan. It also analyses the impact of these practices on the sustainability of agricultural crops and animal husbandry in the level of farm enterprises.The findings show that within the three areas under study, animal activities are dominated and acquired higher net revenue. The results reveal that, although agro-silvo-pastoral system is dominating over other systems. However, the adoption level of the system components is significantly different between the areas. Based on the study findings the author recommends a set of policies to integrate agro-silvo-pastoral system into the agricultural development strategies in Sudan.
B.Sc.(Honor) in Natural Resources (Agric-Economics) in 1999.M.Sc. Degree in Forest Economics 2005, Germany.PhD student in the programme of Agric-Economics and Related Sciences at University of Giessen, Germany.Staff member in the Department of Agric-Economics and Rural Development,University of Kordofan,Elobeid,Sudan.