Die Achtundsechziger-Bewegung und die Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Bonn
Eine Fallstudie, Medizin und Kulturwissenschaft Band 009, Medizin und Kulturwiss
Schott, Heinz / Bruchhausen, /
Erschienen am
01.12.2013, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Remote the classical strongholds of the sixty-eightie's movement within the Federal Republic of Germany, protest against political and social conditions of that time was anunciated in a subject-specific, occasionally defensive, but nevertheless verbally tremendous manner at the Medical Faculty at the University of Bonn. The deplorable state of affairs concerning psychiatric care was the most important and suggested issue for medicine students for attacking society with its supposedly ill-fated tradition of suppression. Not only psychiatric care, but also several different reasons for criticism and protest were traced: Conflicts with members of staff, discussions in order to improve the medicine course and a democratization of universities allow to gain an insight into the student awareness of life at that time. Left-wing doctors being banned from their occupation, the assessment of drug-taking and industry research at the University of Bonn and "the pill" as a means of sexual revolution enable - besides other critical topics - to a detailed medicine specific view onto a local and specialist narrow-defined student clientele. In spite of a possibly status-related conservative conviction leaving their mark on the student body of Bonn's medical faculty, the students could not and did not want to remove themselves from both, the radical questioning and revolution against the prevailing social and political order at that particular time.
Zurzeit absolviert Dr. Johannes Rückher ein Studium der Medizinökonomie an der Universität zu Köln.