We all live in a “glasshouse” of our own, knowing very little about the
other “glasshouses” around us. Let’s get out of our “glasshouses" and
learn more about life in other professions and recognize that we are all
“underdogs”. The comedy doesn’t take only this into account, but it also
invites us to look at life with a smile, because those, who smile, live
When we ask ourselves who the underdogs in our society are, who comes
into our mind? When we think of the “social ladder”, maybe we
come to the lower areas of that ladder: beggars or garbage collectors
maybe, but surely no solicitors, doctors and certainly not a king or a
queen …
But when we look closer, isn’t everybody an underdog, concerning obligations
and dependencies each and every one of us has to other people?
Ten comedic but still thought-provoking stories about very different
lives tell us, that even if the jobs are so much different, yet the people
are always the same. As a result a beggar can be more free and unbound
than a king – so who’s the underdog now?
Born in Transylvania during world war II, Martin Kari’s life followed
many pathways. Technical and then formal higher education prepared
the author for a life with a sense of exploration, adventure, intellect and
humanity. Having worked and lived on four continents as a global citizen,
he settled in Australia with his wife and six children in 1981. It was
only in retirement that he found the time to take up the pen again, proving
that it is never too late to take on something new in life. Martin has
published worldwide 12 books so far ranging from politics, novels, travel
stories, biography to practical philosophy (in English and German).
Martin Kari wurde im Zweiten Weltkrieg in Siebenbürgen-Transylvanien
als zweiter Sohn des Weinbauers Michael Lutsch und seiner
Frau Sara geboren. Der Autor folgte in seinem Leben verschiedenen
Wegen; ein Weg begann mit der Flucht seiner Adoptiveltern
Reissenberger nach Deutschland.
Seine schulische, technische und höhere Ausbildung bereiteten den
Autor auf ein Leben mit Entdeckungen, Abenteuer, Intellekt und
Menschlichkeit vor.
Der Autor hat in vier Kontinenten gelebt, gearbeitet und sich 1981
in Australien erfolgreich niedergelassen mit seiner finnischen Frau
Arja, geborene Kari, und ihren sechs Kindern.
Im Alter von 65 Jahren verließ der Autor im Jahr 2006 die „berufliche
Tretmühle“. Erst dann fand er zum ersten Mal in seinem
Leben die Zeit, um die Schreibfeder herauszuholen.
Es ist nie zu spät im Leben etwas Neues zu beginnen; ist die Botschaft
des Autors an seine Leser und Mitmenschen.