Are you keen to prune fruit or ornamental trees and shrubs, and are you looking for an easy-to-follow guide with practical tips? Then why not take a look at this compact compendium. In it, youll find details of all the basic principles for pruning fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as answers to the basic questions: What pruning techniques are there? When is the right time to prune, and what tools should be used? What can you do about diseased plants? Whether roses, rhododendrons, or apple or cherry trees, here youll find all the necessary expertise to enable you to carry out simple pruning tasks yourself. Many illustrations and info boxes will help you further.
Heinrich Beltz, Gärtner und Dipl.-Ing. Gartenbau, ist Versuchsleiter für den Bereich Baumschule an der Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau Bad Zwischenahn der Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen.