Plants and Animals of the City Discover and investigate "The urban researchers knowledge: on the trail of racoons and martens This book presents 78 plants and animals that children can encounter right outside the front door: raccoons, foxes and martens on the one hand, and chestnuts, snowberries and dandelions on the other. This book explains how these wild plants and animals are ideally suited to survival in the city, and how you can best find them and investigate them further. You can easily make an insect hotel for your balcony, gather wild herbs for your house pet and build a feeding house for sparrows on the roof in a jiffy - here, youll find out how its done.
Sigrid Tinz studierte Geoökologie und arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Lektorin. Sie wuchs zwischen vielen Tieren auf dem Land auf und lebt heute mit ihrem Mann und vier sehr tierlieben Kindern in Warendorf.