Stylish nesting boxes, feed houses and bird baths Sigrid Tinz Amusing and decorative ideas for building structures for specific species Birdhouses for many different species Instructions with drawings and checklists Building a birdhouse is easy! In this book, youll find our exactly what your feathered friends need - from a plant pot house to a bed and breakfast in Snow Whites castle, youll find a wealth of ideas for your garden and balcony. With step-by-step instructions, material checklists and exact measurements for the building parts, youre all set to go. Illustrated with beautiful drawings - an ideal gift for garden owners.
Sigrid Tinz studierte Geoökologie und arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Lektorin. Sie wuchs zwischen vielen Tieren auf dem Land auf und lebt heute mit ihrem Mann und vier sehr tierlieben Kindern in Warendorf.