Enjoy your Garden Today. Leave Growing Older for Later! You love your garden, and gardening - and now, at last, youve got the time to really get things done in your own green paradise. Do you want to create a garden that suits your own needs, and not one that other people expect of you? The garden is a luxury that you can treat yourself to, completely in line with your own personal ideas and needs. But theres no need to make life too difficult for yourself! In this book, youll find valuable tips and guidelines on how to design your garden to be both low-maintenance and pleasurable: Simplify gardening chores Design your garden to be low-maintenance Protecting your back and using ergonomically designed tools that make life easier for you.
Frank M. von Berger ist in einem Gartenbaubetrieb aufgewachsen und kam früh mit Pflanzenschätzen und ihrem Einsatz im Garten in Berührung. Heute ist er erfolgreicher Gartenjournalist und -buchautor.