Going Up the Country The most beautiful decorative ideas in a rural style An idyll instead of coolness, home-baked bread instead of fast food, and the changing of the seasons instead of neon lights - the love of the country has been rediscovered, and anyone who cannot move straight into a farmhouse can simply bring a bit of country atmosphere into the home. With its appealing illustrations, Going Up the Country will whet your appetite for a natural ambience. Whether for a beer festival, woodland adventure, herbal arrangements or an apple decoration, the book is packed full of ideas for decorations in a rural style, and appealing table decorations that bring nature into the home. With tips, useful knowledge and recipes.
Karen Meier-Ebert ist leitende Redakteurin des Lifestyle-Magazins BLOOM's und beschäftigt sich täglich mit den neuesten Trends rund ums Dekorieren. Zusammen mit einem fachkundigen Team von Stylisten und Floraldesignern inspiriert sie die Leser mit kreativen Gestaltungsvorschlägen.