Auctoritas omnium legum
Francisco Suárez De legibus zwischen Theologie, Philosophie und Jurisprudenz. Fr
Brieskorn, Norbert / Stiening, Gideon
Erschienen am
01.03.2013, Auflage: 1. Auflage
The Tractatus de legibus ac Deo legislatore (1612) by Francisco Suárez is one of the most influential and most important systematic concepts of early modern legal philosophy. Alongside with Grotius De iure belli ac pacis (1625) and Hobbes De cive, Suárez treatise significantly defines the systematic debates on political philosophy in the first half of the 17th century. The volume presents systematic studies reconsidering the relation of theological, philosophical and jurisprudential reasoning in order to constitute normative orders. It also introduced every single book of the whole compendium in ten articles.