It could be lived out there,
irrevocable and totalitarian that the people there
no longer the breath of freedom
you could see under a tree branch....
where the man there enjoys so much freedom,
his wives in every possible way
to steal the illusion of love,
that afterwards it should only dissolve before their eyes,
Can the people be that stupid?
even the cowboy macho posturing in his passion
to give up with a totalitarian way?
Heike Thieme:
The illusion that is not complete,
the woman sends her daughter to learn the massage.
Intention that the family gives her the wrong reputation.
The illusion that finds no truth.
The illusion of being seen as unseen or innocent,
the woman fluffs herself with strange feathers.
Her future husband had the last name "Hunter",
as if it was a coincidence, and her attacks, take place.
The illusion that law and justice exist here...
but only on the side of her victim,
and the royal children did not always find their rights,
but felt treated unfairly, because victim luckily escaped in time,
and unpacked with the whole truth.