This volume presents mathematical formulas and theorems common to economics. It includes both formulas like Roy`s identity that are peculiar to economics and formulas like Leibniz's rule that are common to many areas of applied mathematics. The volume is meant to be a reference work, to be used by students in conjunction with a textbook and by researchers in need of exact statements of mathematical results. The volume is the first grouping of this material for a specifically economist audience. This third edition is extensively revised and contains more than 250 new formulas, as well as new figures.
Set Theory. Relations. Functions.- Equations. Functions of one variable. Complex numbers.- Limits. Continuity. Differentiation (one variable).- Partial derivatives.- Elasticities. Elasticities of substitution.- Systems of equations.- Inequalities.- Series. Taylor's formula.- Integration.- Difference equations.- Differetnial equations.- Topology in Euclidean space.- Convexity.- Classical optimization.- Linear and nonlinear programming.- Calculus of variations and optimal control theory.- Discrete dynamic optimization.- Vectors in Rn. Abstract spaces.- Matrices.- Determinants.- Eigenvalues. Quadratic forms.- Special matrices. Leontief systems.- Kronecker products and the vec operator. Differentiation of vectors and matrices.- Comparative statics.- Properties of cost and profit functions.- Consumer theory.- Topics from finance and growth theory.- Risk and risk aversion theory.- Finance and stochastic calculus.- Non-cooperative game theory.- Probability and statistics.- Probability distributions. Method of least squares.