This research explores the effects of a new role-play tool, Therapeutic Table Role-play Intervention (TTRI), in the living environment and examines the potential therapeutic usefulness for young adults and adolescents. The tool is explored from an archetypal orientation and its applicability for other theoretical orientations was also considered. An artistic-creative approach is employed and responses from five adult participants were analyzed for themes. TTRI combines group work, play therapy, and therapeutic role-play under one intervention, using the imaginal realm to explore the participants' experiences. Analysis of participant responses suggests that TTRI is functional and useful with therapeutic groups. The results also indicate that TTRI may allow for the exploration of conscious and unconscious factors of behaviors and thought process. The TTRI is the fruit of many years of work and exploration that will give new life and different possibilities for group work in therapy.
Immigrated from Israel in order to pursue a dream of becoming a therapist and been living that dream since. For me, therapy is, a calling. I have been working with thousands of adolescents and families throughout the years and that passion produced this work that is dedicated to improving work with teenagers and adolescents in therapy.