The volume presents contributions from the conference «Formal Description of Slavic Languages 10.5». The papers describe interesting data patterns found in Slavic languages and analyze them from the perspective of formal grammar, including generative syntax, Distributed Morphology, formal semantics and others.
Markéta Ziková and Pavel Caha are assistant professors at the Department of Czech Language at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.
Mojmír Do?ekal is an assistant professor at the Department of Linguistics at Masaryk University.
Contents: Al?na Aks?nova: Nominal Partitive Constructions in Russian – Jitka Bartošová: Semantic Analysis of Czech Demonstrative Pronoun TO – Muamera Begovi?/Nadira Aljovi?: Accounting for Agreement Patterns in Coordinate Noun Phrases with a Shared Modifier – Petr Biskup: On (Non-)Compositionality of Prefixed Verbs – Željko Boškovi?: Deducing the Generalized XP Constraint from Phasal Spell-out – Željko Boškovi?/I-Ta Chris Hsieh: On the Semantics of the NP-Internal Word Order: Chinese vs Serbo-Croatian – Tsvetana Dimitrova/Svetla Koeva: Rule-Based Person Named Entity Recognition for Bulgarian – Jakub Dotla?il: Why is Distributivity So Hard? New Evidence from Distributive Markers and Licensors in Czech – Guillaume Enguehard: The Underlying Representation of the Russian Suffix -va – Pavel Kosek: Development of Word Order of Preterit Auxiliary Clitics in the Old Czech Bibles – Petra Mišmaš: Wh-in Situ in a Multiple Wh-fronting Language – Jeffrey Keith Parrott: Gender Impoverishment in Czech, Slavic, and beyond – Vladimir Petkevi?: Genitive in Contemporary Czech from the Perspective of Morphological Tagging and Parsing – Privoznov Dmitry: Participle Passives and Passive Participles in Russian: Aspect – Eugenia Romanova: Possible and Impossible Cases of Possessive Perfect – Olga Steriopolo: Expressive Morphology in Russian and Other Languages – Marcin W?giel: The Story of Polish Para: From a Group Noun to a Measure Word and Indefinite Quantifier – Jacek Witko?/Dominika Dziuba?a-Szrejbrowska: On delayed Transfer and a Nano-syntax inspired Account of Genitive of Quantification.