In the 18th century the appearance of the poems ascribed to Ossian triggered a great interest in national literatures and inspired the imagination and ultimately the productive reception of generations of (pre)romantic poets worldwide. Ossian was instrumental in the appreciation of folk poetry and instrumentalized in the creation of national literature. In the aftermath of Macpherson’s Ossianic publications several nation states as well as stateless nations rediscovered and glorified their own «barbaric» past with «national epics». This volume attempts to reconstitute partly the philological context in order to shed more light on Ossian and national epic in general, its development in European literature and its (re)emergence in different genres and other arts.
Gerald Bär is Assistant Professor at the Universidade Aberta (Portugal). He teaches German Studies and Comparative Literature. His publications include various articles on the reception of Ossian, an anthology of Portuguese Ossian-translations and several studies on the motif of the double.
Howard Gaskill taught German language and literature from 1969 to 2001 at the University of Edinburgh where he is now Honorary Fellow. His research interests have focused on German poets of the Romantic era, in particular Hölderlin, and Scottish-German literary relations, notably German Ossianism.