The African Union (AU) aims at creating an African Economic Community (AEC) by 2034. Eight recognized Regional Economic Communities (REC) are supposed to form the building blocs of the AEC. The book shows that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is currently the most advanced and promising REC but still behind schedule in reaching its own integration objectives. If the currently most successful of the African RECs may not achieve sufficiently deep regional integration in time then the chances to establish the AEC by 2034 are slim indeed. Combining economic and political analysis the author examines SADC, its achievements and potential in detail. Special reference is given to the impact of the Zimbabwe crisis on regional integration.
Wolff-Christian Peters, born in Peine (Germany) 1959; 1979-1985 study of Political Science, Hamburg University; 1986-1989 Research Assistant; 1990-1992 Associate Expert, ILO; 1992-2001 Consultant in Southern Africa; 2001-2005 Program Manager, GTZ-IS, Malawi; 2005-2009 Country Director, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Ethiopia; Since 2010 Country Director, DED, Namibia.