Spatio-Temporal Database Management
International Workshop STDBM'99 Edinburgh, Scotland, September 10-11,1999 Procee
S Jensen, Christian / O Scholl, Michel
Erschienen am
01.11.2007, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Thepapersincludedinthisvolumecoverdiverseaspectsofthemanagement ofsuchdata,andtheyhavebeenorganizedinto?vegroups:understanding andmanipulatingspatio-temporaldata;integration,exchange,andvisualization; query processing; index evaluation; and constraints and dependencies.
InhaltsangabeUnderstanding and Manipulating Spatio-Temporal Data.- A Spatio-Temporal Taxonomy for the Representation of Spatial Set Behaviours.- Lifestyles - An Algebraic Approach to Change in Identity.- The Honeycomb Model of Spatio-Temporal Partitions.- Integration, Exchange, and Visualization.- Ontology-Based Geographic Data Set Integration.- The Italian Cadastral Information System: A Real-Life Spatio-Temporal DBMS.- Using Interactive, Temporal Visualizations for WWW-Based Presentation and Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Data.- Query Processing.- Nearest Neighbor Queries in a Mobile Environment.- A Framework ofa Generic Index for Spatio-Temporal Data in Concert.- Index Evaluation.- The BASIS System: A Benchmarking Approach for Spatial Index Structures.- Evaluation of Access Structures for Discretely Moving Points.- Constraints and Dependencies.- Temporal Dependencies Generalized for Spatial and Other Dimensions.- Tractable Query Answering in Indefinite Constraint Databases: Basic Results and Applications to Querying Spatiotemporal Information.- Animating Spatiotemporal Constraint Databases.