Parallel Processing: CONPAR 92 VAPP V
Second Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, Lyon, F
Cosnard, Michel / Robert et al, Yves
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01.08.1992, Auflage: 1. Auflage
This volume presents the proceedings of the joint meeting CONPAR 92 VAPP V, held in Lyon, France, September 1992. The international Conferences on Parallel Processing (CONPAR) and the meetings on Vector and Parallel Processors in computational science (VAPP) have been held jointly since CONPAR 90 VAPP IV, held in Zurich. The aim of the meeting presented in this volume is to review hardware and architecture developmentstogether with languages and software tools for supporting parallel processing and to highlight advances in models, algorithms, andapplications software on vector and parallel architectures. The papers in the volume are organized into sections on networks, software tools, distributed algorithms, dedicated architectures, numerical applications, systolic algorithms, parallel linear algebra, architectures, shared virtual memory, load balancing, data parallelism, parallel algorithms, image processing, compiling and scheduling, simulation and performance analysis, parallel artificialintelligence, dataflow architectures, parallel programming, and poster presentations.
InhaltsangabeTolerating faults in synchronization networks.- On incomplete hypercubes.- Reducing network hardware quantity by employing multi-processor cluster structure in distributed memory parallel processors.- Connection Machine results for pyramid embedding algorithms.- Interconnection networks based on block designs.- Partitioning and mapping communication graphs on a modular reconfigurable parallel architecture.- Generalized shuffle-exchange networks.- Execution replay: A mechanism for integrating a visualization tool with a symbolic debugger.- The software-monitor DELTA-T and its use for performance measurements of some farming variants on the multi-transputer system DAMP.- Visualization of message passing parallel programs.- Parallel physical optimization algorithms for data mapping.- Profiling on a massively parallel computer.- A multiprocessor multiwindow visualization subsystem.- Data race detection based on execution replay for parallel applications.- The C_NET programming environment: An overview.- P++, a C++ virtual shared grids based programming environment for architecture-independent development of structured grid applications.- Detection of concurrency-related errors in Joyce.- Analysis of an efficient distributed algorithm for mutual exclusion (average-case analysis of path reversal).- Invariance properties in distributed systems.- Synchronization of parallel processes in distributed systems.- Statistical probabilistic clock synchronization algorithm.- A SIMD architecture for medical imaging.- Computing the inner product on reconfigurable buses with shift switching.- A novel sorting array processor.- The time-parallel solution of parabolic partial differential equations using the frequency-filtering method.- The combination technique for parallel sparse-grid-preconditioning or -solution of PDE's on workstation networks.- Comparing the DAP, meiko and suprenum with a fluid dynamic benchmark.- Parallel detection algorithm of radar signals.- Efficient linear systolic array for the knapsack problem.- On the loading, recovery and access of stationary data in systolic arrays.- Designing modular linear systolic arrays using dependence graph regular partitions.- Reducing symmetric banded matrices to tridiagonal form - A comparison of a new parallel algorithm with two serial algorithms on the iPSC/860.- An implementation of the BLAS on the i860: A RISC approach to software for RISC devices.- Partitioning and mapping for parallel nested dissection on distributed memory architectures.- On the accuracy of solving triangular systems in parallel-III.- Linear algebra calculations on the BBN TC2000.- Parallel homotopy algorithm for large sparse generalized eigenvalue problems: Application to hydrodynamic stability analysis.- Parallel algorithms for solving linear recurrence systems.- A new parallel factorization A = DD tBC for band symmetric positive definite matrices.- Computation of the eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices using a processor farm.- Numerical performance of an asynchronous Jacobi iteration.- Matrix inversion algorithm for linear array processor.- Massively parallel preconditioners for the sparse conjugate gradient method.- A block algorithm for orthogonalization in elliptic norms.- Asynchronous polycyclic architecture.- A comparison of two memory models for high performance computers.- A decoupled multicomputer architecture with optical full interconnection.- Very high speed vectorial processors using serial multiport memory as data memory.- Resource management on a packet-based parallel graph reduction machine.- A large context multithreaded architecture.- On the practical efficiency of Randomized Shared Memory.- KOAN: A Shared Virtual Memory for the iPSC/2 hypercube.- A scalable distributed shared memory.- Cost prediction for load-balancing: Application to algebraic computations.- Envelopes in adaptive local queues for MIMD load balancing.- Dynamo - A portable tool for dynamic load balancing on distributed memory mu