Complex Analysis

Proceedings of the International Workshop Wuppertal 1990, Aspects of Mathematics

Diederich, Klas /
Erschienen am 01.04.2012, Auflage: 1. Auflage
CHF 127,00
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ISBN/EAN: 9783322868589
Sprache: Englisch


InhaltsangabeSmooth Proper Modifications of Compact Kähler Manifolds.- Lp-Estimates for ?? in C.- Canonical Resolutions in Sheaves on Schubert and Brieskorn Varieties.- La forme hermitienne canonique pour une singularité presque isolée.- A Generalized Cousin Problem for Subvarieties of the Bidisk.- Scalar Curvature and Twistor Geometry.- Some Remarks on Weighted Estimates for ??.- Circular Models and Normal Forms for Convex Domains.- Lp-Estimates with Loss for the Bergman-Projection and the Canonical Solution to ??.- Distortion Function and the Heat Kernel of a Positive Line Bundle.- Twistor Spaces and Non-hyperbolicity of Certain Symplectic Kähler Manifolds.- Envelopes of Holomorphy of Domains in Cn.- Representing Measures in the Spectrum of H? (?).- Estimées Ck, ? pour l'equation ?? = f dans les convexes.- Local Hyperconvexity and Local Hyperconcavity.- Domaines à estimation maximale.- Deformation of Compact Rieman Surfaces with Distinguished Points.- Local Extension of Holomorphic L2-Functions with Weights.- On the Boundary Behavior of the Caratheodory and Kobayashi Distances in Strongly Pseudoconvex Domains in Cn.- Zur Klassifikation der 1-konvexen komplexen Räume.- Holomorphic Mappings into Convex Domains.- On Second Order Hypoelliptic Differential Operators and the ??-Neumann Problem.- Equisingularity of Analytically Constructible Sets.- Fonction de Artin d'un germe d'espace analytique.- Local Peaks Sets and Maximum Modulus Sets in Products of Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains.- Hyperbolic C* -Actions on Affine Surfaces.- On Complex Manifolds Exhausted by Biholomorphic Images of Generalized Complex Ellipsoids E(n; n1,@@@, ns; p1,@@@, ps).- The Hard Lefschetz Theorem for Concave and Convex Algebraic Manifolds.- Sur la résolution des équations de Cauchy-Riemann tangentielles pour les formes à support compact dans les variétes.- Imbedding Pseudohermitian Manifolds into a Sphere.- Deformations of Strongly Pseudo-Convex CR Structures and Deformations of Normal Isolated Singularities.- The Behavior of Multiplier Ideal Sheaves under Morphisms.- Local Geometry of Decoupled Pseudoconvex Domains.- A Vanishing Theorem on Kähler Manifolds with Certain Stratified Structures.- Hodge-Kohomologie und Steinsche Mannigfaltigkeiten.- The Cauchy-Riemann Equations in Convex Domains.- Integral Kernels and Hölder Estimates for ?? on Pseudoconvex Domains of Finite Type on C2.- Complex Analysis in the Golden Fifties.- On q-Convex Exhaustion Functions of Complements of CR-Submanifolds.- A Characterization of Homogeneous Bounded Domains.- Singular Sets of Separately Analytic Functions.- Some Recent Results Related to the Uniformization Problem in Several Complex Variables.- Product Decomposition of Non-reduced Space Germs.- Modular Subgerms and the Isomorphism Problem in Deformation Theory.- A New Method to Introduce a-priori Estimates for the ??-Neumann Problem.- Maximal and Semi-Maximal Estimates for ??b on Pseudoconvex Manifolds.- Degenerations of Instantons.- Second Main Theorems in Number Theory and Nevanlinna Theory.- Symplectic Techniques in Holomorphic Group Actions.

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