Optical Sensors and Microsystems
New Concepts, Materials, Technologies
N Chester, Arthur / Grazia Mignani, Anna
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01.03.2013, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Proceedings of the 22nd Course of the International School of Quantum Electronics, held 27 November-2 December 1997, in Erice, Italy. In recent years, fiber optical sensors and optical microsystems have assumed a significant role in sensing and measurement of many kinds. These optical techniques are utilised in a wide range of fields, including biomedicine, environmental sensing, mechanical and industrial measurement, and art preservation. This volume, an up-to-date survey of optical sensors and optical microsystems, aims at combining a tutorial foundation with analysis of current research in this area, and an extensive coverage of both technology and applications.
InhaltsangabeI: Technology. Measurement techniques. Advanced Optoelectronics in Optical Fibre Sensors; B. Culshaw. Interferometric Distance Sensors; U. Minoni, et al. Optical Tomography: Techniques and Applications; A.W. Domanski. Optical Waveguide Refractometers; R. Ramponi, et al. Characterization of an Optical Fibre pH Sensor with Methyl Red as Optical Indicator; F. Baldini, A. Falai. Optical Sensors and Microsystems using Liquid Crystals; L. Sirleto, et al. Indium Tin Oxide Films for Optical Sensor; C. Calì, M. Mosca. Optoelectronic Neural Networks; A.W. Domanski. Complex ABCD-Matrices: a General Tool for Analysing Arbitrary Optical Systems; B. Rose, et al. Design and fabrication techniques. Microsystems and Related Technologies; V. Foglietti, et al. The Stretch-and-Write Technique for Fabrication of Fiber Bragg-Grating Arrays; R. Falciai, et al. II: Applications. Biomedical applications. Fluorescence Lifetime-Based Sensing for Bioprocess and Biomedical Applications; G. Rao, et al. A Piezoelectric Biosensor as a Direct Affinity Sensor; M. Minunni, M. Mascini. The Complex Phase Tracing Based Shape Evaluation System for Orthopaedic Application; J. Kozlowski, G. Serra. Environmental sensing. Optical Fibre Chemical Sensors for Environmental and Medical Applications; F. Baldini. Introduction to the Multicomponent Analysis with Arrays of Non-Selective Chemical Sensors; C. Di Natal, A. D'Amico. High Sensitivity Trace Gas Monitoring using Semiconductor Diode Lasers; C. Corsi, M. Inguscio. Optical Fiber Sensors for the Nuclear Environment; P. Ferdinand, et al. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Trace Detection in Water by Sparging and Laser IRGas Phase Detection; A. Lancia. Hollow Core Fiber Guides as Gas Analysis Cells for Laser Spectroscopy; A. Lancia. Chemiluminescence Imaging of Plant Origin Materials; D. Slawinska. Art preservation. Optical Fiber Sensors for the Cultural Heritage; A.G. Mignani, et al. Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy: a Non-Destructive Technique for the Analysis of Works of Art; M. Picollo, et al. Optical Diagnostic Systems and Sensors to Control Laser Cleaning of Artworks; R. Pini, S. Siano. Mechanical measurements. Electro-Optical Sensors for Mechanical Applications; F. Docchio, et al. Optical Fibres and their Role in Smart Structures; B. Culshaw. All-Optical Fiber Ultrasonic Sources for Non Destructive Testing and Clinical Diagnosis; E. Biagi, et al. Index.