Handbook of Sustainable Engineering
Handbook of Sustainable Engineering
Kauffman, Joanne / Mo LEE, /
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01.04.2010, Auflage: 1. Auflage
InhaltsangabeEducation and Outreach: Introduction.- Blueprints for Teaching Ecodesign and Sustainability to University Students.-Ecodesign in Swiss Machining Industry: A Collaborative Learning Process for Effective Outreach and Education.- Implementing New Teaching Models at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.- Teaching Old Disciplines New Tricks: Sustainable Engineering Education.- Youth Encounter on Sustainability: A Transdisciplinary, Multicultural, and Immersive Education Program.- Transdisciplinary Approaches to Engineering R&D: Importance of Understanding Values and Culture.- Sustainable Water: Introduction.- Chlorine Self-Production Plant Solution for Effluent Water to be Used in Irrigation in Gaza Strip.- Fundamental Toxicology Methods and Resources for Assessing Water-related Contamination.- Micro Hydro in Emergency Situations: A Sustainable Energy Solution at La Realidad (Chiapas,Mexico).- Groundwater Contamination: Role of health sciences in tackling.- Sustainable Earth System Engineering: Incentives and Perspectives.- Sustainable Rehabilitation ofWater Infrastructures in Southern Iraq After the Second GulfWar.- SustainableWater Management in Response to Global Changes.- Sustainable Production and Sustainable Products: Introduction.- Ecodesign Strategies: A Missing Link in Ecodesign.- Environmental Quality Function Deployment for Sustainable Products.- Green PCB Manufacturing Technologies.- Eco-Packaging Development: Integrated Design Approaches.- Material Flow Cost Accounting: Significance and Practical Approach.- Product Life Cycle Assessment (PLCA) and Product Carbon Footprint (PCF).- Remanufacturing.- Reuse of Components and Products: "Qualified as Good as New".- Supply Chain Management for Sustainability.- Sustainable Design by Systematic Innovation Tools (TRIZ, CAI, SI, and Biomimetics).- Sustainable Product Design and Development: TPI-Based Idea Generation Method for Eco-Business Planning and Eco-Product Development.- Structural Complexity Management in Sustainable Engineering.- Sustainable Production: Eco-efficiency of Manufacturing Process.- Product Service Systems and Sustainable Consumption Toward Sustainability: Introduction.- Advanced Japanese Service Design: From Elements to Relations.- Design for Sustainability (DfS): Interface of Sustainable Production and Consumption.- Engineering PSS (Product/Service Systems) Toward Sustainability: Review of Research.- Eco-business Planning: Idea Generation Method.- Life Cycle Simulation for Sustainable Product Service Systems.- Modeling Services and Service-Centered PSS Design.- Product Design Considerations for Improved Integrated Product/Service Offerings.- Sustainable Consumption.- Sustainable Design Engineering: Design as a Key Driver in Sustainable Product and Business Development.- Sustainable PSS in Automotive Industry.- Policy and Decision-Making, and Management for Sustainable Engineering: Introduction.- Sustainable Technology Development: Backcasting and Scenarios.- Changing Energy Demand Behavior: Potential of Demand-Side Management.- Engineers and Community: How Sustainable Engineering Depends on Engineers' Views of People.- Impact of New Technologies: How to Assess the Intended and Unintended Effects of New Technologies?.- Life Cycle Thinking for Improved Resource Management: LCA or ?.- New BusinessModels for Sustainable Development.- Strategies for Sustainable Technologies: Innovation in Systems, Products, and Services.- Successful Contextual Technology Transfer and Determinants of Culture.- Energy Sources of the Future: Introduction.- Biomass Energy Field.- Energy from Water.- Ensuring Sustainability of Bioenergy in Practice.- Geothermal Energy.- Renewability of Energy Resources, Energy Vectors, and Energy Technologies forMobility.- Solar Energy: Harvesting the Sun's Energy for Sustainable Future.- Wind.- New Materials: Introduction.- Advanced Energy Devices: Lithium Ion Battery and High Energy Capacitor.- Advanced Materials for Fuel Cells.- Alternativ