A groundbreaking set of visual opposites for the toddler set, featuring the popular art of Ellsworth Kelly Ellsworth Kelly's paintings and sculptures take center stage in this creative visual presentation of opposites. The pairings range from together/apart to vertical/horizontal, from full/empty to front/back [of a canvas!], providing readers with both expected and unexpected visual vocabulary. Images include Ellsworth's most famous works, as well as some lesser-known pieces, providing a stunning representation of colors and dimensions. Playfully written and created in partnership with the Ellsworth Kelly Foundation, this unique and stylish concept book marks the fifth title in the First Concepts with Fine Artists series.
Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015) was an American painter, sculptor, and printmaker who became known, post-WWII, as one of the country's premiere abstract artists. His work is internationally known, exhibited, awarded, auctioned, and celebrated.