This volume encompasses the latest thinking on international business strategy and organization. It spans topics ranging from the influence of national culture on international business strategies, to the reorganization of corporate strategies in the context of the European single market. It represents an international coverage of the leading edge research findings in this area.
PERVAIZ AHMED Lecturer in Best Practice Management, University of Bradford Management Centre, UK CHRISTOS ANTONIOU Manager, Plotin Travel SA, Athens, Greece FRANK BARTELS Lecturer in International Business, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore PETER J BUCKLEY Professor of International Business and Director of the Centre for International Business, Leeds University Business School, UK, and Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Reading, and Visiting Professor, University of Paris I: Pantheon - Sorbonne, France FRED BURTON Senior Lecturer in Economics, School of Management, UMIST, UK JOHN W CADOGAN Lecturer in Marketing, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand MALCOLM CHAPMAN Lecturer in International Business, Centre for International Business, Leeds University Business School, UK NICK K CRAWFORD Senior Consultant, JCL Advisers, Claverton House, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK ADAMANTIOS DIAMANTOPOULOS Director of Research, Loughborough University Business School, UK DAVID O FAULKNER Visiting Fellow, Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge, UK GLEN HARDAKER School of Business, University of Huddersfield, UK TERRY HILL Professor of Operations Management, London Business School, UK NEIL HOOD Professor of Business Policy and Director, Strathclyde International Business Unit, University of Strathclyde, UK YUAN LU Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Business Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong HAFIZ MIRZA Professor of International Business, University of Bradford Management Centre, UK ELEANOR J MORGAN Senior Lecturer in Business Economics, Centre for International Business Research, School of Management, University of Bath, UK RAM MUDAMBI Senior Lecturer in Strategy, School of Business, University of Buckingham, UK ALASTAIR NICHOLSON Professor of Operations Management, London Business School, UK MARINA PAPANASTASSIOU Researcher, KEPE, Athens, and Lecturer, Economic University of Athens, Greece ROBERT PEARCE Reader in Economics, University of Reading, UK CLAUS PETER SCHRUNDER Researcher in Management, University of Buckingham, UK ROY WESTBROOK Associate Professor of Operations Management, London Business School, UK STEPHEN YOUNG Professor, Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, UK